Kodi has been helping me with my nightly routine before bed for over a year now. He helps me take my pants off, takes my socks off and hands them to me, so I can place them on the night stand where I can reach them easily in the morning.
One evening earlier this week, I was getting ready for bed and because my feet had swollen during the day I was having trouble rolling my socks off my heels, as I usually do before asking Kodi to pull them off my toes.
He sat on the floor by my feet watching, but wasn't going to allow me to struggle so, as he began to use a paw, gently 'grasping' at my sock and pulling toward the floor.
He actually helped me to get my sock off my heel, then gently took the toe between his front teeth and pulled strongly, until he'd pulled the sock off and handed it to me. He repeated the process with the other sock.
I am constantly surprised by how intuitive he is, how he problem solves for me. He knew he needed to help me and that pulling with his teeth was going to be awkward, so using his foot and toenails gently was the 'smart' thing to do.
I trust Kodi completely. I know he would never hurt me, he only wishes to help me, he loves me.
We are constantly experiencing new levels of understanding between us, strengthening our bond and the deep connection we've developed.
Kodi is far more attentive than most humans I know. Even my own husband will sit and watch me struggle until I ask for his help, even if I'm to the point of tears, but not Kodi, he's right there, trying to help, to alleviate my struggles.
I am so blessed to have this truly wise and caring husky in my life.