I wasn't sure what to say. I told her he needed a lot of exercise and he's truly 'saved' me, given me a reason to be outside, get fresh air. She said, "He loves you, anyone can see that, the way he walks along beside you. It's an inspiration to see." She patted my shoulder and walked away.
Earlier this week as Kodiak and I were walking, a car pulled up next to us and an older woman rolled down the window and called out, "Excuse me, Ma'am?" I thought she was going to ask for directions. She said, "I just wanted to tell you that your dog and you are just wonderful. It's wonderful seeing you out walking together." I thanked her, not knowing what else to say and we all went on our way.
I realized that other people 'get it'. They understand what he does for me, the companion he is to me, how he's liberated me, gotten me out and about and that I probably wouldn't be out if not for him.
People are always stopping me to tell me how beautiful he is, rolling down their car windows to yell that he's gorgeous, etc. If we haven't been out for a few days because of rain or cold weather, people will ask us if we're alright. It's comforting for me to know that people keep their eye out for us, that they know when they see us and notice when we're not out and about.
I really appreciate that people are watchful, that they feel 'protective' of us.