Two nights ago, we were in the backyard, playing with his giant tennis ball when the sound of breaking glass startled both of us. A new neighbor bought the house two doors down from us and has been cleaning out the home, throwing things into an industrial dumpster in their driveway, so I knew that's where the sound came from, but because a line of old Pine trees obscures our view of that house, Kodiak was scared, unable to locate the cause of the noise. He wanted to go up on the deck, so I unhooked him and we went up to the front of the deck.
I brought my folding chair out on the deck and sat down, as he curled up between my feet. We sit out on the deck and watch, photograph, the sparrows that visit our bird feeder, so we enjoy many hours of relaxing time together in the fresh air.
Suddenly, there it was again... the sound of metal and breaking glass. Kodiak rose and went to the storm door, he wanted inside in the worst kind of way. He whined and grunted at me until I went to the door and let him go inside.
Once he was inside, he sat down and looked back out at me with quite the inquisitive look on his face, as if to ask, "Aren't you coming too?" I reassured him I would be right there, he could still see and hear me through the screen and I sat back down.
I hadn't been seated for more than a minute or so, before I heard him whining, grunting at me, like he does when you're not paying enough attention to him. He was standing at the door, his face against the screen, his tail wagging, so I went to the door and opened it, telling him to come back outside.
He bounced out the door and as I let it close behind him, he stood up on his hind feet, wrapping his front paws around my arm and pushed me down into my chair, where he rested on my lap with his elbows. He licked my face and glasses until I couldn't see clearly... I gave him a big hug.
When he put his feet down on the deck again, he immediately went back to the storm door, turned and sat down, so handsome and alert, looked at me and started to whine again. When I made eye contact with him he looked at the storm door, then back at me again.
My son was now standing in the doorway. He looked at me and said, "He wants you to come inside." I told him I knew that, but I wasn't ready yet. He continued, "He wants to be where you are, but he wants you to be inside, you should come inside. He doesn't think it's safe out there."
I knew he was right. Kodiak is very protective, wants to be with me all the time, doesn't want so much as a screen to be between us, or he cries. He'd detected a threat, the loud sounds he couldn't locate and wanted to be inside, but wanted to be with me, wanted me to go inside where he felt we would be safe.
So, I packed up my chair and camera (which I always have with me these days) and we went inside. Once I had put my things away, Kodiak led the way to my recliner, waited for me to sit down, then put his paws up on my belly and licked my face, before settling at my feet, where he let out a big sigh, before putting his chin on the floor and closing his eyes.
All was right in our world again.